We are a group of Palestinian families on a mission to ensure the physical, psychological and emotional safety of our children in TDSB schools including the right to express their Palestinian identity and lived experiences

Basis of Unity and Values

We are a grassroots group led by Palestinian families advocating for safe and inclusive spaces free from anti-Palestinian racism and other forms of inequity in the TDSB

We take a secular, intersectional, and anti-oppressive lens inclusive of all expressions of faith, gender identity, sexual identity, age, and disability

We collaborate with groups and individuals who share our values of anti-oppression, anti-racism, and equity, and who stand in solidarity with Palestinians.

We stand in solidarity with the Indigenous peoples of the world and in particular on Turtle Island where we exist both as colonized people and privileged settlers. Our responsibility towards this land and its Indigenous people is not diminished because we are ourselves colonized, rather it reinforces our obligation to amplify Indigenous voices and work towards decolonization together. 

How we work

Core Organizers

A core group of organisers define key strategies, priorities and actions that we take to further our mission. A majority vote among organizers is needed to endorse decisions.

Use of the Toronto Palestinian Families (TPF) name

The use of the Toronto Palestinian Families name requires the endorsement of the core organizers. 

Empowering, bottom-up organization

Our power is in enabling members and allies to initiate many independent actions. TPF members are encouraged to initiate actions that advance our priorities and adhere to our Basis of Unity and Values. 

Partnerships, Allies and Volunteers

Individuals and organizations who want to collaborate, volunteer and/or partner with us are welcome to in accordance with our Basis of Unity and Values. 

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